
Legal documents

Framework Partnership Agreement

The FPA is the main document from KIC InnoEnergy project. It sets out the contractual relationship between the EIT and the KIC. The purpose of the FPA is to define the respective roles and responsibilities of the EIT and the KIC in implementing their partnership. It includes the following documents:

  • Annex I: the main legal documents of the KIC LE and KIC partners (the Deed of the KIC LE with its Statutes, the legal documents pertianing to the rules of entry and exit and of statutory relationships amongst the KIC partners, and other related legal documents.
  • Annex II: the list of KIC partners and the corresponding Internal Agreements
  • Annex II: an EIT-KIC Model Grant Agreement
  • Annex IV: Guidelines for Communication, Dissemination and Publicity.
  • Annex V: Quality Criteria for EIT labeled Degrees and Diplomas.

Grant Partnership Agreement

The purpose of this Agreement is to specify and to govern the relationship amongst the Formal Partners in the perspective of the establishment of and finalisation of their shareholding in KIC SE, and between the Fromal Partners and the KIC SE sith regard to the implementation of the activities of the KIC. It includes an Addendum amending certain provisions of the GPA.

Grant Agreement

The GA is a Specific Grant Agreement (as defined in the FPA) concluded for the implementation of the FPA in the corresponding year. It includes the Business Plan (a Tri-Annual Work Plan) and yearly Grant Request outlining the InnoEnergy activities and budget in the years 2010-2012 with a focus on the current year. It includes the following document:

  • Annex I: KIC Business Plan including the estimated budget using the model budget in Annex II.
  • Annex II: KIC Model Budget.
  • Annex III: Copies of the mandates from KIC Partners authorising the KIC LE to conclude the GA.

Internal Agreement

The IA has the purpose of allocating rights and obligations, arising under the Framework Partnership Agreement and any Grant Agreements with the explicit consent of the European Institute of Technology and the European Commission. Every year an Internal Agreement has to be signed.