
RenE Syllabus at ESADE

ESADE Business School
MSc Renewable Energy - RenE

Management and Entrepreneurship Summer School

This course aims to provide the students with the necessary concepts and tools so they can successfully tackle and prepare a business plan.


On successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:

    • Show a deep understanding on how companies create and deliver value to society, how they do it in a competititve landscape and how they capture part of that value for the organization itself;
    • Know how to manage the resources of the company: material, human, financial and knowledge.
    • Get acquainted with all the stakeholders surrounding the company: owners, employees, suppliers, customers, Administrations and society as a whole.
    • Participate effectively and efficiently in the process of generating new businesses;
    • Generate new business ideas, evaluate them, and design business models that will make them viable;
    • Generate Business Plans that will help quantify entrepreneurial projects and implement them.
    • Know how to look for and obtain the necessary financial resources to make the new venture a reality from financial institutions, risk inverstors and  grant and subsidies.
Complete Description (pdf)

MSc on Renewable Energy - RENE